Un après leur médaille d’or remportée lors des Gay Games parisiens, les Panamboyz tenteront de gagner un nouveau titre, cette fois en Italie, lors des Eurogames. Nous allons inscrire une équipe mixte, avec pour la première fois en compétition internationale, des Boyz et des Girlz réunis… pour le meilleur.
Si vous souhaitez nous encourager, vous savez quoi faire les 11, 12 et 13 juillet prochains !
Les règles du tournoi :
Each tournament (Division 1 – Competitive, Division 2 – Recreational) for each category (Men/Mixed and Women) will provide a first preliminary stage to be held on Thursday 11 July and Friday 12 July 2019 and a second phase with Semi-finals and finals to be held on Saturday 13 July 2019. The preliminary stage will be organized with the format “Round Robin” and the semifinal and final phase with the format “knockout”. The preliminary stage will provide a playing time of a minimum of 30 minutes in time with a pause of 5 minutes between clock and each other. The semifinal and final phase will provide a minimum 45 minutes playing time of a time with a pause of 5 minutes between clock and each other. The tournament format will depend on the final number of teams anyway. Each team must be composed of a maximum of 22 players for football A11 and a maximum of 13 players for football A5. All players must be at least 18 years of age by the date of the event. Mixed teams will play in the men’s tournament. Will apply the rules established by the IGLFA.